Peter Vardy Holdings Limited

Tax Strategy

In compliance with Schedule 19 of the Finance Act 2016, we have outlined below the Tax Strategy adopted by Peter Vardy Holdings Limited and its subsidiary undertakings (“the Group”) for the 2019 financial year in conducting its tax affairs.

This Strategy incorporates all direct and indirect taxes due including corporation tax, VAT, employment taxes, import taxes and stamp duty land taxes. The Strategy also applies to all entities within the Group as well as all directors and employees.

Tax Risk Management and Governance

The Group Finance Director has overall responsibility for the delivery of the Group’s Tax Strategy in accordance with the express wishes of the Board of Directors. 

The Group has adopted a low risk approach to tax planning and is committed paying the correct level of taxation, on time, whilst complying with all applicable laws and regulatory requirements.  

The Group consults with its professional advisors on a regular basis on all taxation matters and ensures that robust controls and processes are in place within the business to address all tax risks. Controls and processes are reviewed periodically, and changes are implemented when necessary when control weaknesses or improvements are identified.

Staff members are provided with internal and external training on a regular basis to ensure they have a full knowledge and understanding of current tax legislation.

Relationship with Tax Authorities

The Group adopts an open and honest approach with HM Revenue and Customs and is committed to developing a relationship aligned to our values of trust and transparency. 

The Group aims to submit all Returns to HMRC with the highest degree of accuracy and in accordance with approved deadlines whilst resolving any outstanding enquiries in a timely manner.  We adopt a fully supportive role throughout all HMRC audits and where any disputes occur we aim to address these openly and promptly.

Our ultimate goal is to work towards achieving full regulatory compliance in Partnership with HMRC.


Peter Vardy Modern Day Slavery Act 2015 Statement

Our commitment to fighting modern slavery

The Peter Vardy Grouprecognises that only the best and most successful organisations will prosper in the long term if they meet the objectives of their stakeholders; including guests, suppliers, employees, local communities, investors, governments and other regulators and stakeholders. The Peter Vardy Group, therefore, promotes best practice and complies with all applicable laws, statutes and regulations in force including but not limited to the Modern Slavery Act 2015.  

We work with Hope for Justice (, an international anti-human-trafficking charity who strive to eradicate human trafficking and restore the lives of those exploited.  We are collaborating to provide a programme promoting awareness of modern slavery and aiming towards creating a Slave Free Alliance.  Peter Vardy take reasonable steps to ensure that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or any part of our business.  Our code of conduct, policies and due diligence processes aim to overcome such issues and promote ethical trading practices.

The Peter Vardy Group donates 10% of its annual profits every year and have created the Peter Vardy Foundation as a way of distributing the money to good causes.  We are proud to support local and national charities to help transform lives through support, education and care to make a real difference as we believe every life is worthy. 

Giving back and doing the right thing is part of our DNA, as part of our induction process its important new employees understand our core values and culture, therefore we include a full day of giving back by helping the local community or one of our charity partners.  We will also donate £100 to every new employee’s chosen charity.

This statement is made in accordance of section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes the Peter Vardy Group (as detailed below) anti-slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31st December 2018. 

  • Peter Vardy Holdings Limited
  • Peter Vardy Limited
  • Peter Vardy (Perth) Limited
  • Peter Vardy (Bavaria) Limited

Please note that the above entities are the entities within the Group that had an annual turnover of over £36m.  The below entities are also part of the Peter Vardy Group; however, their annual turnover was less than £36m:

  • Peter Vardy Porsche Limited
  • Peter Vardy (Property Management Services) Limited
  • Peter Vardy Porsche Perth Limited

2018 Progress

Employees are our assets and we provide a range of support for different matters such as financial concerns, health, company chaplain, as well as a confidential whistle blowing policy.

We developed a partnership with Hope for Justice to help roll out awareness of the Modern-Day Slavery Act throughout our business and supply chain.  They have also conducted a risk assessment of our business and supply chain.

The Peter Vardy Group is at low risk of modern slavery due to the rigorous onboarding process and limited agency workers; however, our supply chain has some high-risk areas. 

We have targeted 3 of our high-risk commodities and conducted a supplier visit and assessment of their policies and practices in relation to Modern-Day Slavery.

We shared a YouTube message and incorporated a Slave Free Alliance video communication to help promote awareness of modern-day slavery throughout the full Peter Vardy Group.

As part of our supplier onboarding process we share the Peter Vardy code of conduct and ensure we are working with likeminded companies to create a slave free alliance.

2019 Target

We intend to create multilingual whistle-blowing posters and display throughout the Peter Vardy Group, promoting our confidential hotline and making it open to anyone who is working on our premises.

We have arranged professional training and awareness from Hope for Justice who will attend our site and speak directly to our senior management team, so they know what to look out for and what action to take. 

We intend to continue to investigate our suppliers’ practices and policies to ensure they are aligned with us.

Where relevant we will incorporate the Modern Slavery compliance as an award factor into our tender process.

Training & awareness – we will continue to conduct training and promote awareness by including videos from Slave Free Alliance within our internal communications.

Employee On boarding – to help share awareness we will also incorporate a short video from Slave Free Alliance as part of our induction process.

This statement has been approved by the board of directors on 25th March 2019 and the Group will review and update it annually.

Modern Day Slavery Act 2015 Policy

Ethical Trade

 Peter Vardy is committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all of our business dealings, it is important that the stakeholders in our supply chain understand our code of conduct.  We ensure there is a consistent understanding of business ethics across the organisation at all levels and treat all stakeholders fairly, impartially, without discrimination or favour.

Code of Conduct

We value our employees and pay above and beyond government national minimum wage as our employees are our key assets therefore our recruitment practices and due diligence process helps ensure we employee reputable people.  With a rigorous induction process we ensure our employees understand our values and code of conduct, we also have a trial period to ensure the employees are the right fit for our business as we recognise employees represent our business therefore their behaviour and professionalism are crucial to our business success.

Peter Vardy practices the procurement principles and code of conduct on which the organisation procures and contracts to our stakeholders, we recognise suppliers are essential to our success and our supplier onboarding and due diligence process helps to ensure we source reputable suppliers to avoid reputational risk.  Suppliers are committed to helping eradicate unethical business practices including bribery, fraud, corruption and human rights abuses such as modern day slavery and child labour.

Corporate Social Responsibility

CSR is built into our business model to help ensure our business monitors its compliance with the law and industry standards, we often go above and beyond our obligations particularly in terms of the effects on the environment and impact in social welfare. 

Peter Vardy’s sustainable procurement practices consider the impact on the environment, economic and social factors as well as price and quality, our sustainability efforts are also aimed at promoting positive benefits and fairness for suppliers, employees, guests and all stakeholders.


We have an internal policy which is loaded on our intranet to help police our internal practices and ensure we are working to the professional standards we expect

Peter Vardy