Peter Vardy Newsroom
Introducing 6 new staff members to an already existing team of 11 was an exciting prospect and hopes of all running smoothly have been more than confirmed. This month, which is only the first, the team have integrated well and the branch already has a family feel amongst it's staff as well as it's guests.
Since the opening of the branch it has been an 'all hands on deck' attitude. With a plan to have 70 cars on the Vauxhall forecourt. As well as ensuring members of staff settle in, it has also been a point of focus to settle in as part of the community as best possible, explaining a bit of history about the company and it's values to previous guests.Despite it being Peter Vardy's first month in Dalgety Bay, there has been no time for rest and the focus is all pointing towards the future. As Peter Vardy donates 10% of all profits to charity and has its own charity set up, The Peter Vardy Foundation, the management team in Dalgety Bay are keen to get involved with local charities that are in need of a bit of help. The aim is to give back to Dalgety Bay as a way of thanking the community for the warm welcome we have received here!